Tax Information & Deadlines

Real Estate Taxes are due December 5 annually. A 5% late fee is added for any payments sent after this date, with a further 0.66% interest added each month, beginning January 1st.
If you escrow your tax payments with your mortgage company, please check with them to make sure your Town of Haymarket taxes have been remitted. Ultimately, the taxpayer is responsible for timely payment.
If you have any questions on your Real Estate Tax, please get in touch with our office at 703-753-2600.
The 2024 Real Estate Tax Rate is .105/$100 of assessed value.
As a seller:
Be advised that the Town of Haymarket does not prorate taxes. If you have sold your home during the year, taxes should be prorated to the purchaser, and the purchaser will be responsible for the entire year.
As a Purchaser:
Code of Virginia Section 58.1-3340: Lien on real estate for taxes and levies assessed thereon; responsibility of purchaser at sale; lien on rents:
“There shall be a lien on real estate for the payment of taxes and levies assessed thereon prior to any other lien or encumbrance. The lien shall continue to be such prior lien until actual payment shall have been made to the proper officer of the taxing authority. The purchaser at a sale shall cause the proceeds to be applied to the payment of all taxes and levies assessed on real estate, the provisions of § 55-59.4 notwithstanding…….”
This means any purchaser at the sale of property, has the duty to ensure that the proceeds from the sale satisfy the taxes assessed against the property, and can be held personally liable for the amounts not remitted.
Business License
The Gross Receipts Declaration for the Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) for Tax Year 2024 is due by April 30, 2025. Please be advised that a 10% late penalty, in addition to an annual interest rate of 10%, will be applied to any payments submitted after April 30th.
Personal Property Tax
The town does not impose a Personal Property Tax on vehicles. Instead, Personal Property Taxes are managed by Prince William County, and residents are encouraged to stay informed about the payment process.
Real Estate Taxes: December 5 (annually)
Business Gross Receipts (BPOL): April 30 (annually)
Town Decals: within 30 days of moving into Town