Haymarket Day 2019 Update - ALL Vendor spots are FILLED

Food Vendors

As of September 12, 2019, ALL Vendor spots for Haymarket Day 2019 are FULL.  

Haymarket Day 2019 Vendor Application

Town of Haymarket
15000 Washington Street, #100
Haymarket, VA 20169

Phone:  703-753-2600
Fax: 703-753-2800

Hours:  9:00am - 4:00pm
Monday through Friday

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Effective January 15, 2018 Prince William County Department of Development Services will be responsible for building permitting and inspection service in the Town of Haymarket. Zoning Approval will be required from the Town Prior to submitting a Building Permit Application to the County. Necessary application information and forms are available at http://www.pwcgov.org/government/dept/development/bd/Pages/default.aspx 

The current Haymarket Town Council took office January 1, 2025 and will sit through December 31, 2026 

With the passage of Senate Bill 1157, Town Council elections will be every two years in November beginning November 5, 2024  


Provide residents, businesses, and visitors with public services in a fiscally prudent and socially responsible way.

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Town of Haymarket Museum
History of the Museum

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The Town of Haymarket Planning Commission is a five member body appointed by the Town Council, with each member serving four-year terms.

The Planning and Zoning Department oversees all new development, future land use planning, zoning violations, and staffs the Boards and Commission.

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"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

View the Calendar

Prince William County Historical Commission Colonial Roads Sign

Haymarket, Virginia is a small town located at the foothills of the Bull Run Mountain. The Town has a rich history dating back to the 1700's. Historically, the Town of Haymarket was known as the “Crossroads” in the 1700’s, and now, during the transition into the technological era of the 21st century, Haymarket is more important to local commerce than ever. Located near the first foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, we are perfectly situated.

Historical Information

In 1799, the Virginia General Assembly chartered the Town of Haymarket on the land of William Skinker. Skinker laid out an official plan for the Town consisting of 140 lots and 13 streets.

Haymarket was almost immediately selected as the site for a new District Court to serve the counties of Fairfax, Loudoun, Fauquier, and Prince William. A courthouse, clerk’s office and jail were constructed sometime in 1801 at the present site of St. Paul’s Church and, in its earliest years, the town thrived on the business drawn to it by the court location.

The Zoning Permit Form/Certificate of Appropriateness is required for all new construction, alteration/repairs, new tenants (new use), change of use, additions, relocations, and signs. If you are unsure if your project warrants a zoning permit form please email Thomas Britt at tbritt@t&

In 1994, the Haymarket Town Council placed the entire Town under a Historic District Zoning Ordinance. A "Historic District" is an overlay zoning which imparts additional protection specific to historic structures and the historic resources of the Town, in addition to underlying zoning requirements required by the Town's Zoning Ordinance. The adoption of a local historic district and ordinances to protect historic resources is authorized by Sec. 15.2.2306, et.

This document shows what styles, colors, etc. will be acceptable within the Town by the Architectural Review Board. Most applications will go before the Zoning Administrator and/or the Architectural Review Board.

Our Town Charter is available for viewing or download at the link below.

Haymarket is historically known as a "crossroads" due to its location at the intersection of the Old Carolina Road and North Branch of Dumfries Road, which have long been utilized as trade routes.

The Town of Haymarket Board of Zoning Appeals was established pursuant to the provision of Article 7, Chapter 22, Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia. The Board’s duties and powers are broadly illustrated in the State Code, and include hearing and deciding appeals of administrative decisions, hearing and deciding upon applications for special exceptions, variances, and interpretations of the Zoning Map, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance.



Welcome the Haymarket Police Department homepage.

Community engagement is both the planned and unplanned interaction between Department members and community members. Department personnel interact with community members every day. Engagements help build trust, confidence, and legitimacy, and they help to prevent and deter crime. Engagements also build solidified, positive, trustworthy, and reciprocal relationships with our partners, citizens, organizations, and stakeholders. 

Community Oriented Policing programs respond directly to the emerging needs the Department's requirements; shift law enforcement's focus to preventing, rather than reacting to, crime and disorder; develop state-of-the-art training and technical assistance to enhance law enforcement officers' problem-solving and community interaction skills; promote collaboration between the Department and our community members to develop innovative initiatives to prevent crime; and provide responsive, cost-effective service delivery to grantees to ensure we accomplish our mission.  The Haymarket Police Depa

The Haymarket Police Department is guided by the below ethical and principal-based Vision, Mission, and Core Values:


The Haymarket Police Department is a professional police organization of irrefutable noble character, respected and trusted by the entirety of the community and its citizens to guard their freedoms, safety, and security. We strive to accomplish this through the following department objectives....

Keep crime low through ensuring constant patrolling presence

The Haymarket Police Department

The Patrol Division of The Haymarket Police Department consist of 6 Full time Officers, 4 Part time Officers, and 3 Patrol Supervisors. There are 2 patrol shifts that provide 24 hour coverage to The Town. 

The Patrol Division provides police services to the Town of Haymarket, such as; emergency response, calls for service, accident investigation, traffic enforcement, preliminary crime scene investigations, and ordinance violations.

Officers conduct foot, bike, and directed patrols to foster community engagement.  

Allen Sibert

The Administrative Division consists of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police is responsible for things such as Budget Preparation, Monthly Reports, Monthly Statistic Sheets, Timesheet Submissions, Procurement, and Accreditation. The Chief also assist in Patrol Duties as needed.




2022 Annual Haymarket Police Department Report

Town of Haymarket Businesses (holding a current business license)   Shopping

Businesses located in the Town of Haymarket are required to declare their business tangible personal property to Prince William County. This declaration is for the property your business owned on January 1 of each year.  If you start your business after January 1 you will not be required to file this form until the following year. For a copy of this form, please follow this link.  

Opening a new business is a significant investment of financial and personal resources. New businesses are important to the financial health of the Town. The Town wants to assist you through the regulatory process to ensure your business has a positive impact on the community, is safe to occupy, and opens as quickly as possible.

All Board, Commission and Committee members must live within the Town. To verify you live in the Town check the Town Map, Frequently Asked Questions page or call Town Hall at (703)753-2600.

If you are interested in serving on a Board, Commission or Committee, please complete this application and return it to Town Hall, located at 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100.   

All residents that live within the Town's corporate limits need to obtain a Town of Haymarket vehicle decal on all vehicles garaged in the Town of Haymarket.  The vehicle decals are permanent, and will have a one time fee of $15.00 (per vehicle). 

You MUST bring your vehicle's registration to be issued a new decal. 

Columbia Gas of Virginia
P.O. Box 830005
Baltimore, MD  21283-0005

For Gas Leaks:  1-800-544-5606

After the severe storms this weekend, we have contacted the Town’s trash removal company to find out how residents can best dispose of any debris left behind. They offered the following guidance:

Yard debris may be disposed in residents’ trash cans along with normal waste, so long as it is cut into pieces 4 feet long or smaller. Larger pieces of debris should be taken to the County landfill.

American Disposal Service

The Town of Haymarket provides trash and recycling refuse twice a week for its residents through a contract with American Disposal Services. Please ensure that your trash and recycling are set out the night before your scheduled pick-up day.

Trash Pickup: Mondays and Thursdays

2019 Changes in Recycling Guidelines
Where & What to Recycle

Think before you throw!

Recycling helps conserve natural resources, save landfill space, conserve energy and reduce pollution. Be sure to recycle at home or drop materials at one of our recycling collection centers (sites are subject to change).

Mark your calendars! Haymarket Day is returning Saturday, October 18, 2025. Our Town’s biggest event of the year! Attended by over 15,000 spectators and 200 vendors.  Enjoy a hometown street festival including a parade featuring local schools, performers, and law enforcement, to local food, craft vendors, live music and more!

FY26 Budget Schedule

Real Estate Taxes are due December 5 annually. A 5% late fee is added for any payments sent after this date, with a further 0.66% interest added each month, beginning January 1st.

If you escrow your tax payments with your mortgage company, please check with them to make sure your Town of Haymarket taxes have been remitted. Ultimately, the taxpayer is responsible for timely payment.  

If you have any questions on your Real Estate Tax, please get in touch with our office at 703-753-2600. 

The 2024 Real Estate Tax Rate is .105/$100 of assessed value.

The Gross Receipts Declaration for the Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) for Tax Year 2024 is due by April 30, 2025. 

If payments are made after April 30th, a 10% late penalty and 10% annual interest will be applied. 

Failure to submit the BPOL by the due date will result in the revocation of your Business License. You will not receive a new Business License until all taxes have been declared. 


The Town does not currently collect Personal Property Tax on vehicles. You must pay Prince William County for Personal Property Tax on your vehicles and can find more information about how to pay them here: 


Real Estate Taxes: December 5 (annually)

Business Gross Receipts (BPOL): April 30 (annually)

Town Decals: within 30 days of moving into Town

Pursuant to VA State Code §15.2-2223, the Haymarket Planning Commission prepares and recommends a comprehensive plan for the physical development of the Town of Haymarket.  The Town's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in September 2008, and is currently under review.  

The Town of Haymarket's Comprehensive Plan embodies the community's vision and goals. Two primary mechanisms for achieving the Town's land use goals are the zoning and subdivision ordinances. The zoning ordinance sets forth the regulations that legally enforce land use policies and establishes the rules guiding the development of land within the town. Similarly, the subdivision ordinance establishes the rules by which land can be divided, often setting the stage for subsequent development under the zoning regulations.

The Town of Haymarket is looking for Volunteers to assist at the Haymarket Museum.

Red Caboose

Check out the Current and Upcoming Exhibits

The Haymarket Museum is located at the corner of Washington Street (Route 55) and Fayette Street.  Admission is free.

East of the Museum, in the small park area, there are two Civil War Trail signs which were installed November 2004.  West of the Museum, in the parking lot, there is a Southern Railway Caboose which is open to the public by appointment only. Please call Town Hall to schedule a viewing. 

The Red House Tavern was one of several taverns and ordinaries that were established along the Carolina Road in the 18th century. It was located at the intersections of the North/South route of the Carolina Road (now Old Carolina Road) and the East/West route of the Dumfries Road (aka Thoroughfare Gap Road and now Virginia State Route 55).

The tavern became so well established that the area around it began to be called Red House.  

Main Street Haymarket
1860 Demographic Chart for Haymarket Area

The information in the following chart is an attempt to provide a demographic "snap shot" of the greater Haymarket area in 1860. The 1860 Federal Census provides the following: the census enumeration number of the household (the order in which the house was visited by the census taker), the name and age of the head of household, the occupation of the head of household, the number of free people living in the household, and the total value of any estate owned by the head of household. 

Effective January 15, 2018 Prince William County Department of Development Services will be responsible for building permitting and inspection services in the Town of Haymarket. Zoning Approval will be required from the Town prior to submitting a building permit application to the County. Necessary Application information and forms are available at:  http://www.pwcgov.org/government/dept/development/pages/default.aspx

Looking for preschool options in the Town of Haymarket? There are several wonderful preschools to choose from, offering enriching and nurturing environments as well as faith-based education. Click the links below to find more information about preschool options in the Town of Haymarket! 

4R’s Preschool

Acorns to Oaks Preschool

St. Michael’s Academy

Haymarket Baptist Preschool

The Town Of Haymarket is serviced by these two middle schools.

Ronald Wilson Reagan Middle School

Bull Run Middle School

For more information on school districting Prince William County has a provided map.

The Town Of Haymarket is serviced by these two High Schools,

Battlefield High School

Gainesville High School

For more information on school districting Prince William County has a provided map.

The Haymarket Police Department, in efforts to comply with police reform laws, is posting the quarterly community policing data here for all to see. These are statics gathered by our officers in reference to all traffic stops and person stops that we do throughout the year and is broken down into quarters.

Property Check Form

Going to be out of Town and would like Haymarket Police to check up on your residence?  Simply fill out the attached form and send it in.

Haymarket Community Park

The Haymarket Town Council adopted the Harrover Property Master Plan (i.e.

Street Scape Project

We hope that you are pleased with the Washington Street Enhancement Project extending from Madison Street east to Coach Way and that you are able to enjoy these pedestrian and bicycle enhancements.  The stamped asphalt crosswalk at the corner of Washington Street & Hunting Path Road will need repainting, but we are waiting to do this with other stamped asphalt crosswalk work in the Town.


Join us in Celebrating our Town and Community! Haymarket Day is the Town’s biggest event of the year! Attended by over 25,000 spectators and 200 vendors.  Enjoy a home town street festival including: parade featuring local schools, performers, and law enforcement, led by the year’s Grand Marshal, as well as dozens of vendors, entertainers, and culinary options.
Voted the Readers’ Best Annual Event by Haymarket Living for three years and counting!

Christmas and Holiday Celebration

Haymarket's Holiday & Christmas Bazaar, December 13th, 2025 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm! 

Featuring our Christmas Craft Bazaar! Come Shop Local with us at our craft market and stock up on all those perfect, unique Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers!! 

CAA logo

Have you heard of the Crossroads Arts Alliance?

Please see the Fee Schedule to determine any applicable fees that will be required at the time of submitting an application. 

Old Post Office

Circa - 1885

Located directly across from the Haymarket Museum at 15020 Washington Street.

The land for the Haymarket Post Office was purchased by George A. Hulfish in 1883 and the small weather-boarded, 2-story, gabled-ended structure was built  in 1885 and served as the Township Hall. 

Black and White photo of St. Paul's Church

Circa 1803

6750 Fayette Street

Haymarket Day Ariel View

Interested in Sponsoring a Town of Haymarket Event? Want to become a Community Partner? Take a look below to see the current Sponsorship Packages being offered.

Haymarket Day 2018

Our Town’s biggest event of the year! Attended by over 25,000 spectators and 260 vendors.  Enjoy a home town street festival including: parade featuring local schools, performers, and law enforcement, led by the year’s Town Marshal, as well as dozens of vendors, entertainers, and culinary options.
Voted the Readers’ Best Annual Event by Haymarket Lifestyle for three years and counting!

Genesis Home Improvement

Genesis Home Improvement, LLC is a family-owned company located just outside of Warrenton.  Owners, Mark and Kim Jenkins take pride in Building Family and Community through Genesis. They provide customized home improvement services to clients throughout Northern Virginia. Services include Roofing, Siding, Windows, Decks, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Residential Renovation, Handyman Services along with Insurance Restoration.

Arjun Medical Center

We proudly provide quality medical care to the community of Gainesville, VA and surrounding areas. Our medical practice encompasses comprehensive medical care including physicals, immunizations and care for various chronic and acute diseases.

We strive to make our office a comfortable environment where you can be assured that you will leave our office with a better health plan for your lifestyle.

Thank you for choosing Arjun Medical Center!

Dr. Alok K Gupta and Staff

PWC Employee Credit Union

PWC Employees Credit Union is a member-owned, not-for-profit, financial cooperative dedicated to serving our members.

The PWC Employees Credit Union is proud to have employees and volunteers of any local Prince William County governmental unit located within the geographic boundaries of the County, affiliated School Boards, Volunteer Fire and Rescue Units, and Organizations of such persons for more than forty years. The Credit Union was chartered in 1971 by the Commonwealth of Virginia, and has been serving our members ever since.

Finley Asphalt and Concrete

With over 50 years in business, Finley Asphalt and Concrete has worked hard to earn a reputation as a major commercial contractor of asphalt, concrete, and incidental services.

Our services include: Asphalt Resurfacing, Stone Installation, New Asphalt Construction, Asphalt Repair, Milling, Asphalt Paths/Trails, Recreational Paving, Power Sweeping Services, Excavation & Grading, Utilities, Sidewalks, Curb & Gutter, Concrete Repair, Seal, Coating, Striping & Signs, Parking Lot Expansion

Winter Newsletter 2018

Town of Haymarket Winter Newsletter.  Inside this issue; Thanks & Giving Month, The Town of Haymarket Christmas Ornament, Chistmas and Holiday Celebration details, Upcoming Events and the Town Schedule.  

2019 Deck the Door

Deck the Door with Boughs of Holly

Christmas and Holiday Door Decorating Contest

Open to all Town of Haymarket Businesses

Christmas and Holiday Celebration 2018

The Town of Haymarket's Christmas and Holiday Celebration was held on December 1, 3 pm to 6 pm.

Interested in Sponsoring a Town of Haymarket Event? Want to become a Community Partner?

Notice of Public Hearing 

Notices of Public Hearings are published in the Prince William Times paper that is published on Thursday.

Town Hall has issues of the paper available to pick up.

Notices are also posted in the display board to the left of the Town Hall door. 

Notices will be put on the Town's GoGov App 


Foster Masonry

Foster Masonry is a family run business based in Northern Virginia. We specialize in the installation of stone and interlocking pavers to create unique stone walkways, paver patios and stone fireplaces. At Foster Masonry we strive to achieve customer satisfaction through careful planning and installation of quality stone and interlocking pavers. Our Work can be seen in communities such as Bristow, Reston, Alexandria, Loudoun County, and Manassas.


Temporary stoppages of up to 15 minutes are planned to occur on northbound and southbound Route 29 between Heathcote Boulevard and University Boulevard in Gainesville on Wednesday, December 12, and Friday, December 14, between 11 a.m. and noon. Additionally, the ramp from westbound I-66 to northbound Route 29 (Exit 43B) will be temporarily closed for up to 15 minutes beginning at 11 a.m.

Customers with service scheduled on the actual holiday will resume service the following week, all other days will be picked up as scheduled.

Local Customer Service Number is 703-818-8222.

Republic Services

Republic Services will provide Christmas Tree Removal on January 10th and January 17th. 
Please remember that these holiday items are Unacceptable Recycled Items; Wax Coated Cardboard, Steel Cans, Plastic Bags, Styrofoam Containers, Tissue Paper, and Aluminum Foil.

Special Event License Application

(Public Exhibitions, Shows, Carnivals) Outdoor Event means any Scheduled Event, not under roof, on privately owned, non-residential property including, but not limited to, outdoor gatherings open to the general public, circuses, carnivals, fairs or concerts.

Return Completed License Application to : Town Treasurer

Fee of $300

Completed License Applications must be submitted to the Town Treasurer 

Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Town of Haymarket FOIA Officer is the Town Clerk, or call  703-753-2600.

The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) guarantees citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives of the media access to public records held by public bodies, public officials, and public employees.


I-66 Daytime Lane Closures on Sunday, January 27               

Lane Striping on I-66 Between Gainesville and I-495

Sponsor a Hero

Do you have a Hero in you life?

Honor them with a flag and support our local non-profit Semper K9 during "Flags for Heroes"

Flag Day Weekend June 14-17, 2019 at the Town of Haymarket Park

Flag Day Ceremony - The Gainesville Haymarket Rotary Club will host a community ceremony to commemorate this year's Field of Flags on June 15th, 2019 at 9:00 with local dignitaries.  

How can I get involved?

Sponsor a flag, honor a veteran, firefighter, police officer, teacher, any hero that you deserves to be honored.  


Lane Closures and Traffic Changes

Week of February 10, 2019


University Boulevard between Route 29 and I-66

Wednesday, February 13: 11 a.m. to noon

Traffic will be temporarily stopped for up to 15 minutes for small charge blasting operations at the future Park and Ride Lot. Additionally, the turn lanes from Route 29 to University Boulevard will be temporarily closed for 15 minutes beginning at 11 a.m. 


Ken Luersen, a resident of Haymarket since 2001 and a resident of Northern Virginia since 1972, is serving his second term as the Town's Mayor. He was first elected in 2020 and served as Mayor until the elections in November 2024, where he decided to run for Council instead. Prior to being elected Mayor, Ken served on the Architectural Review Board for the Town for over 10 years both as a board member and as the Chairperson. 

Picture of Joseph Pasanello in front of the American Flag

Meet Joe Pasanello! 

Joe and his wife, Cathy are nine year residents of the Town of Haymarket, who have been together over 44 years.  They raised two daughters in rural Connecticut and are the proud grandparents of three super grandkids! 

Joe’s formal education includes:

If you have questions about meetings, Citizen's Time, public hearings, or applications please call Town Hall at (703) 753-2600.  

Town Council Regular Monthly Meetings occur on the FIRST Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in Town Hall.

Town Council Work Sessions occur on the LAST Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in Town Hall.

Planning Commission Meetings occur on the THIRD Monday of every month at 7:00 PM in  Town Hall.

Architectural Review Board Meetings occur on the THIRD Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM in Town Hall.


Prince William County

As part of the Mobility chapter update of the Comprehensive Plan Update the Planning and Transportation Departments have created a survey for input about the transportation network and connectivity in Prince William County. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and asks about non-motorized (i.e. bicycle, pedestrian) and mass transit modes of transportation, as well as your opinions about vehicle transportation networks and connectivity. You can take the survey here. The survey will be available until March 23rd, 2019.

Save the Date

Save the Date, Mark your Calendars for the upcoming Town of Haymarket Events for 2019.  For more information contact Emily Lockhart at elockhart@townofhaymarket.org or (703)753-2600.


The Town of Haymarket Spring 2019 Newsletter featuring upcoming Town and Haymarket Police Department Events for 2019, News Channel Fox 5 ZipTrip here in Haymarket, New Businesses and Artists in the Haymarket Museum.  

PWC Guide to Recycling

FAQ’s - Changes to County Recycling Program

April Artist

The Haymarket Museum welcomes Kathleen Frampton as the local artist for the month of April.

April 10 - Centennial Garden Club                    Make Garden Butterflies - 10:00 - 1:00 April 12 - 12:00 - 3:00 April 14 - 1:00 - 4:00 April 18 - 3:00 - 6:00 April 19 - Senior Center Paint - 1:00 - 4:00 April 22 - 3:00 - 6:00 April 26 - 2:00 - 5:00 April 28 - 3:00 - 6:00 April 29 - 10:00 - 1:00

Artist Biography

Front Page Military Banner

Honor your Veteran or Active-Duty Service Member with a beautiful, patriotic banner.  The banners will be displayed in the historic district of Haymarket on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Veteran's Day.  

Payment can be made to Town Hall for credit card payment by calling 703-753-2600 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, inside Town Hall, or by mailing your check to Town of Haymarket, 150000 Washington Street, Suite 100, Haymarket, VA 20169.



Fox 5 Zip Trip

Come Support "Everyone's Hometown" on the Town Green at 15000 Washington Street for the Live Event!  The Fox 5 Zip Trip is part of a weekly Friday Morning Series that highlights communities around the D.C. Region.

Featuring local Artists, Restaurants, Personalities and Children's Activities.


Wonderful Haymarket, LLC has submitted a Special Use Permit Application for a proposed medical (dental) office to be located at 14901 Washington Street, Haymarket. This property is the former BB&T Bank Building. 

A JOINT PUBLIC HEARING will be held on June 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Town Hall, 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100. The public is invited to attend and share comments during the Public Hearing. 

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of the Town of Haymarket will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. in the Haymarket Town Hall located at 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100, Haymarket, Virginia, on the Town of Haymarket’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020)

Notice of Gathering

Gathering of Members of the Town Council,

ARB and Planning Commission


Date:  Friday, May 31, 2019

Time:  6am - 11am

Place:  Town Hall property

 15000 Washington Street

 Haymarket, VA 20169

Purpose:    Fox 5 Zip Trip live broadcast

Lynn Cook Postcard

Welcome Lynn Cook to the Arts at the Haymarket Museum Exhibition for June and July 2019.  A local artist specializing in Wildlife, Coastal Seascapes, Drybrush Watercolor, Acrylic and Egg Tempera painted in a realistic style are the mediums of choice.  Group Relax and Paint classes are available.

The Museum will be open June 4th to July 27th,

Monday - Wednesday from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.

Thursday - Saturday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.


Walking Tour

Town of Haymarket Historic Walking Tour

June 7th at 6:30 pm 

Join us at the Haymarket Museum, which was once a Public Schoolhouse and former Town Hall, for light refreshments and enjoy the local artist Lynn Cook.  The walking tour will start promptly at 7 pm and we will head down Washington Street East.  Several historic structures and sights of the Town of Haymarket will be highlighted.  

Wear your walking shoes!

Williams Holdings has submitted a Special Use Permit Application for a proposed mixed use development to include 7 townhouse structures above first floor retail, to be located at 6604 and 6608 Jefferson Street, Haymarket. This property is currently undeveloped. 

A Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING will be held on June 17, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Town Hall, 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100. The public is invited to attend and share comments during the Public Hearing. 

Williams Holdings has submitted a Special Use Permit Application for a proposed mixed use development to include 7 townhouse structures above first floor retail, to be located at 6604 and 6608 Jefferson Street, Haymarket. This property is currently undeveloped. 

A Town Council PUBLIC HEARING will be held on September 9, 2019 at 7:00 pm at Town Hall, 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100. The public is invited to attend and share comments during the Public Hearing. 

Notice of Gathering

Gathering of Members of the Town Council,

ARB and Planning Commission


Date:  Thursday, June 20, 2019

Time:  10 am - 1 pm

Place:  St. Stephens the Martyr Catholic Church

 Middleburg, VA 

Purpose:    Funeral

Notice of Gathering

Gathering of Members of the Town Council,

ARB and Planning Commission


Date:  Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Time:  7 pm - 9 pm

Place:  Pierce Funeral Home

 Manassas, VA 

Purpose:  Funeral Visitation

Food Vendors
As of September 12, 2019, ALL Vendor spots for Haymarket Day 2019 are FULL.  
Haymarket Day Street View 2018
The Non-Profit Vendor Booth Section for Haymarket Day 2019 is now FULL

The Non-Profit Area of Haymarket Day is limited to 30 booths on a first come first serve basis.  As of July 9, 2019, our Non-profit area is now full.  There are still spaces for Commercial Vendors and Crafters.  2019 Haymarket Day Parade Application and Agreement

The requested amendment to the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 is to amend the adopted FY2025 budget by $836,586 for the purpose of completing the Park sidewalk. Originally this project was budgeted for FY2024 completion, but due to some delays in VDOT approval due to crosswalk walk portion in this project it was not completed on time. The Public Hearing will be held on July 29, 2024 at 7:00pm. 


The Arts at the Haymarket Museum would like to welcome our featured Artist Rosemary Gallick. 

The "Rock Out!" Exhibition will run from August 18 to September 14th.  

Exhibit Hours

Sundays 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and Fridays by appointment.  

Closing Reception will be August 24, 1:00 to 4:00 at the Haymarket Museum.

Ms. Gallick has donated a painting for the Haymarket Music Fest with proceeds to benefit the DC/VA/ND Chapter ALS Association.  

Notice of Gathering

Gathering of Members of the Town Council,

ARB and Planning Commission


Date:  Wednesday, 31, 2019

Time:  7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Place:  Town Hall Council Chambers

 15000 Washington Street

Purpose:   ARB Training 

Van Metre has applied for a Special Use Permit for 38 residential townhouses on the Smith Property (6701 Hunting Path Road, 14850 and 14860 Washington Street). 

Attachments Include;

  • Town Planner Staff Report
  • Application, Development Narrative and Conditions of Approval
  • Special Use Permit Plan
  • Traffic Impact Statement
  • Smith-Haymarket Phase I Cultural Resources Investigation
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
  • Geotechnical Solutions Inc. 
  • Proposed Design Guidelines

As of January 15, 2018 the Town of Haymarket has transferred the building department to Prince William County Building Department. All building permits to include construction, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, etc are issued by the County. In order to apply for a building permit the contractor or homeowner must first receive Zoning Approval from the Town of Haymarket. 

Please use the below Zoning Approval Request Form to apply for zoning approval. Once all documents are submitted the Zoning Administrator will process the request form and issue Zoning Approval. 

Save the Date

Save the Date - December 7th for the Annual Christmas and Holiday Celebration!  More details to come soon....

2019 Gingerbread House Competition

The Town of Haymarket is proud to announce the 2nd Annual Gingerbread House Competition sponsored by Washington Street Realty!  Registration deadline is Wednesday, December 4, 2019.  Please complete the registration form and send it via mail or email to Emily Lockhart at Town Hall.  

Mailing address: 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100, Haymarket, VA 20169

Christmas and Holiday Reminder
This Week in the Town of Haymarket

Town offices will close at Noon, 12:00 pm on Wednesday, November 27, and all day on Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

NO TRASH PICK-UP on Thursday, November 28.  Residential customers of Republic Services with service scheduled on the actual Thanksgiving holiday, November 28,  will resume service the following week, all other days will will be picked up as scheduled. 

2018 Haymarket Museum

The Town of Haymarket has been coming out with a new collectible ornament every year since 2018!

How do I get my Haymarket Collectible Ornament?

To purchase a yearly collectible ornament or pre-order your 2024 ornament, you can:

Kaiser Permanente
Law Office of Marie Washington
F. H. Furr
School of Rock - Haymarket
PWC Employee Credit Union
Flagship Carwash
Novant Health
KC Pella
Highland School
Park Valley Church
Premier Turf and Landscaping
Merrifield Garden Center
Suzanne Leake with Washington Street Realty


2019 Christmas Ornament

The 2019 Town of Haymarket Ornament features one of the town's oldest structures, St. Paul's Episcopal Church. This historic building was formerly the old District Courthouse and an academy, and it survived the fires following the Civil War.

Each Ornament is $20.00. 

Cash, Credit Cards and Checks made out to the Town of Haymarket are accepted. 

All proceeds will go to the Town Museum.  

This Week in the Town of Haymarket Season's Greetings


Winter Holiday Schedule Town Hall will be closed December 31 and January 1 in observance of New Year holiday. 


Recycling & Trash Collection -  Regular scheduled pick-up will resume on December 30th 2019.  

Ariel Shot of Haymarket Day 2019

Haymarket Day

October 19, 2019

 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

The annual community festival features the annual Haymarket Day Parade, homemade and homespun crafters, beer garden, Dominions Woman's Club Fine Wine Garden, kid zone, live music and over 200 vendors!

Holiday Event

The 2019 Christmas and Holiday Celebration was held on December 7 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  Activities included Mrs. Claus Cookie decorating station, Reindeer Snack Shoppe, local music performances, Christmas craft and gift bazaar at the Haymarket Museum, Smore's by the Bonfire, Christmas Train and a special appearance by Mrs. Claus and Santa!


Wegmans - https://www.wegmans.com/
Helping you live a healthier, better life through food
Our commitment to you is simple: Every Day You Get our Best. Our customers tell us they choose Wegmans for the helpful people in our stores, help with delicious meals from our chefs, and the freshest ingredients possible. Offering choice, quality and value in every aisle is how we hope to make your shopping experience a genuine pleasure.

Lake Manassas

8297 Stonewall Shops Square
Gainesville, VA 20155

Marie Washington

Marie Washington - https://www.mariewashingtonlaw.com/
Marie has practiced law since 2003 and has represented clients in matters concerning:  Criminal, Probation Violations, Traffic Violations, Domestic Relations, Estate Planning, Restoration of Civil Rights including Gun and Driving Privileges, Expungement, and Civil Matters including Collections, Review of Contracts, and Landlord/Tenant issues.

67 W. Lee Street, Unit 102
Warrenton, VA 20186



Park Valley Church

Park Valley Church - https://www.parkvalleychurch.com/

Persuading people through love to follow Jesus has been the vision of Park Valley Church since the very beginning.

Regular Weekly Services Located at 
4500 Waverly Farm Drive, Haymarket, VA 20169
Saturdays @ 5 pm & 6:30 pm
Sundays @ *9 am & 11 am    

Premier Turf and Landscaping

If you want a landscaping company that works as hard as a large corporation but treats you like you're the only client, contact Premier Turf and Landscaping. We specialize in customized professional landscape management and we're all about putting relationships first. That's how we became one of the most respected and regarded firms in Northern Virginia. 


The 2020 Town of Haymarket Calendar was mailed out to Residents in January of 2020.  Download the Calendar here.  

Notice of Gathering

3 or more members of the Haymarket Town Council, Board Members, or Commissioners may be in attendance of the

 Ribbon Cutting Grand Opening

For Zandra’s Taquiera

Located at 14600 Washington Street

Prince William County Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 5 pm

Town of Haymarket Ribbon Cutting

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The Town of Haymarket invites you to the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Zandra’s Taqueria located at 14600 Washington Street Prince William County Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting  5 pm on Wednesday, February 12 Town of Haymarket Ribbon Cutting
HouseCleaning Supplies

Prince William, VA, February 28, 2020--Springtime and spring-cleaning typically go hand-in-hand. With spring on the horizon, Prince William County Solid Waste Division has several beneficial services for residents to utilize. Many of these services accommodate both residents and the environment by keeping unnecessary items out of the landfill, extending its useful life.

The following streets are in the Town of Haymarket;

all other streets with a Haymarket 20169 zip code fall under Prince William County at www.pwcgov.org.  

Haymarket High School Class of 1936

Haymarket High School was once located on Fayette Street, north of Washington Street (Route 55). "In September 1909, the School Board purchased a lot on the north end of Fayette Street from Franz Peters, and began construction of a new schoolhouse, which opened in 1910. It was originally a two-room frame building, with 'one room up and one down,' that costs $2,500, according to Lucy Walsh Phinney in Yesterday's Schools." ...

This photograph, taken around 1910 shows the building (at far right) that was later used as the Haymarket telephone exchange.

On the afternoon of September 1, 1945, the Town of Haymarket suffered what is likely the second most destructive fire in its history. Two important structures in the center of town  - the U.S Post Office and the building housing the Tri-County Telephone Co. and the Western Union offices - burned to the ground. While this was happening, Haymarket was cut off from the rest of the world ... 

To read more about the devastating fire of 1945 please click the File in Supporting Documents below to access the story as originally released by Haymarket Lifestyle in May 2014.  


Please see the file link below for the Public Notice of the FY 2021 Real Estate Tax Rate Public Hearing. 


Please call Town Hall with questions, (703) 753-2600 or email KHenry@townofhaymarket.org 

Please see the document below for the Mayor's Call for a Special Meeting for Tuesday, April 14th following the Real Estate Tax Rate Public Hearing.

Old Post Office Building Date Unknown

Even before the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers addressed the need for a postal service.  At the Second Continental Congress in May 1775, they determined that "The conveyance of letters and intelligence was essential to the cause of liberty."...

To read more about our local historic postal routes and post offices please click the file in Supporting Documents below to access the story as originally released by Haymarket Lifestyle in February 2015.

Thoroughfare Gap

Did you know ... "Thoroughfare Gap west of Haymarket was also a strategic site during the Civil War. The Manassas Gap Railroad passed through the narrow gap, as well as the main road linking the Shenandoah Valley with the cities to the east. It was also the location of the Chapman's Mill industrial/commercial complex on Broad Run." 

The Mayor has Called for a Special Meeting on April 21, 2020 at 6:00 pm. The Notice of Call can be found below in the Supporting Documents. 

For Citizens wishing to comment during Citizens' Time via Zoom, please use this link to attend the meeting -- 

Join Zoom Meeting

Thoroughfare Images

"The earliest references to the settlement that became Thoroughfare date back to the late 1820, when the gap in the Bull Run Mountains west of Haymarket was known as "The Thoroughfare". 


"Winterham, a Victorian-era home at 15101 Washington Street in Haymarket, has stood by quietly as commercial development has taken place elsewhere on the 3.4 acre lot it occupies. In the 120-or-so years of its existence, the old house has witnessed a lot of change, especially during the last decade.

The site occupied by Winterham goes back to 1799 and the establishment of the Town of Haymarket, when the land at the corner of Washington and Fayette streets was designated as Lot 80. The first recorded owner was Thomas Fallup, who purchased the lot in 1801.

Town Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 2 at to consider an SUP application for a religious assembly at 6611 Jefferson Street

The Town Council will hold a public hearing on November 2, 2020 at 7 pm to receive citizens comment on a Proffer Amendment application for 14600 Washington Street

The Trunk or Treat and Scavenger Hunt scheduled for Saturday, October 31st has been canceled. The decision to cancel was a difficult one to make.  Our Police Department will be handing out candy from their cruisers the week of Halloween. 

To be transparent, Town Council wanted to provide an update to Town residents regarding the closed sessions that have occurred at several Town Council Work Sessions and Regular Meetings. On September 22, 2020 Haymarket Properties Group the owners of the old Pace West School located at 14600 Washington Street offered the Town the ability to purchase the entire property for $7,500,000. The Council has determined that purchasing the Property at the offered price is not a prudent use of the Town’s resources in this time of pandemic, economic recession and falling tax revenue.

The Haymarket Herald is the Town of Haymarket's Quarterly Newsletter. The Newsletter is mailed to all residents and businesses within the Town boundaries. 

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of the Town of Haymarket will hold a Pubic Hearing on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00 P.M in the Haymarket Town Hall located at 15000 Washington Street, Suite 100, Haymarket, Virginia on the Town of Haymarket's proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (July 1, 2021-June 20,2022) in the amount of $2,396,415 pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-2506. Please see the attached file below for the synopsis of the proposed budget.

Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of the Town of Haymarket will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00 P.M. in the Haymarket Town Hall located at 15000 Washington Street Suite 100 Haymarket, VA 20169, on the Town of Haymarket's proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (July 1, 2021-June 30,2022) in the amount of $2,396,415 pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-2506. Please see document below for more information.

Call for Applications

Planning Commission Member

June 2021

The Town of Haymarket is seeking applicants to fulfill one (1) vacant Planning Commission seat. This appointment will be made by vote of the Town Council and the appointed party shall serve until June 2024.

Public Information Meeting

Park Sidewalk Project

July 26, 2021

The Town of Haymarket Town Council will hold a public information meeting tonight, July 26, 2021 at 7 PM at Town Hall, regarding the park sidewalk project. All are welcome to attend. Meeting recordings can be found here.

Transient Occupancy Tax Filing form is due monthly and the document to fill is attached below.

For any questions please contact Roberto Gonzalez- rgonzalez@townofhaymarket.org

The Prince William Landfill and Balls Ford Road Compost Facility's operating hours are Monday-Friday, 6 am-6 pm and Saturday 8 am-5 pm. They are closed on Sunday. Click on the link below for further information.

Solid Waste Management




The Prince William County Landfill

14811 Dumfries Road

Manassas, VA



Balls Ford Road Facility

13000 Balls Ford Road

Manassas, VA 20109



The operating hours for these facilities are: Monday-Friday 6 am to 6 pm and Saturday, 8 am to 5 pm. Closed Sundays. 

The Town of Haymarket needs to update the Town Zoning Ordinance to reflect the appropriate Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Requirements for plat notations. The Subdivision Section of the Zoning Ordinance needs to be amended as shown in the highlighted text below. The highlighted text additions are plat requirements provided to the Town from our partner at DEQ who recently completed an audit of the Town documents and found this deficiency to meet the required standards.

The Town of Haymarket needs to update the Town Zoning Ordinance to reflect the appropriate Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Requirements for plat notations. The Subdivision Section of the Zoning Ordinance needs to be amended as shown in the highlighted text below. The highlighted text additions are plat requirements provided to the Town from our partner at DEQ who recently completed an audit of the Town documents and found this deficiency to meet the required standards.

The Town of Haymarket needs to update the Town Zoning Ordinance to reflect the appropriate Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Requirements for plat notations. The Subdivision Section of the Zoning Ordinance needs to be amended as shown in the highlighted text below. The highlighted text additions are plat requirements provided to the Town from our partner at DEQ who recently completed an audit of the Town documents and found this deficiency to meet the required standards.



Wegmans - https://www.wegmans.com/
Helping you live a healthier, better life through food
Our commitment to you is simple: Every Day You Get our Best. Our customers tell us they choose Wegmans for the helpful people in our stores, help with delicious meals from our chefs, and the freshest ingredients possible. Offering choice, quality and value in every aisle is how we hope to make your shopping experience a genuine pleasure.

Lake Manassas

8297 Stonewall Shops Square
Gainesville, VA 20155

The Haymarket Architectural Review Board currently has a vacancy. The term of this vacancy would end June 30, 2023 with a possible re-appointment at that time if applicant wishes to continue to serve. 

Farmers Market

The Haymarket Farmers Market Season will begin April 6, 2025. The Market hours will be 9am to 1pm every Sunday (except for 4/20, 7/6, 8/17, 10/19) until November 16, 2025. The Market is located at 15000 Washington Street, Haymarket, VA 20169. 

The 2025 Farmers Market Application can be found at the bottom of this page! 

If you are interested in becoming a market sponsor please visit, Community Business Sponsorship Opportunities

Councilmember Ramirez

Councilwoman Mary Ramirez has been a Town resident since 2013. She and her husband are proud to raise their daughter in our beautiful small town. Their family is complete with a pug and two cats.

Mary is serving her second term as Councilmember after an initial appointment by Council in July 2021, which was reaffirmed by a special election in November 2021. She was appointed as the Community Outreach Liaison, where she has championed community programming like our Youth in Government Program.


Sec. 42-186. - Food and beverages.



§ 42-201 Definitions

For the purpose of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

ACCOMMODATIONS – Any room or rooms, lodgings, or accommodations in any hotel, motel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, camping grounds, club, or any other place in which rooms, lodging, space, or accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration.

§ 42-201 Definitions

For the purpose of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

ACCOMMODATIONS – Any room or rooms, lodgings, or accommodations in any hotel, motel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, camping grounds, club, or any other place in which rooms, lodging, space, or accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration.

Matt Gallagher was appointed as a Town Councilman by the Mayor & Council in October 2023, Matt brings a wealth of experience to the role, coupled with a dedication to fostering a thriving community. Prior to his current position in town, Matt served as the Chairman of the Town's Board of Zoning Appeals from 2015, showcasing a commitment to fair decision-making and a deep understanding of Haymarket's zoning regulations.

§ 42-201 Definitions

For the purpose of this Article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

ACCOMMODATIONS – Any room or rooms, lodgings, or accommodations in any hotel, motel, inn, tourist camp, tourist cabin, camping grounds, club, or any other place in which rooms, lodging, space, or accommodations are regularly furnished to transients for a consideration.

Alexander Beyene has been a resident of the Town since 2008 and has been serving as a Councilmember since April 2023. In addition, he has been serving on the Planning Commission as a commissioner and currently as a Chairperson since July 2020.

School of Rock Haymarket
School of Rock Haymarket- http://haymarket.schoolofrock.com/


School of Rock is a one of a kind music program.  Twenty years of experience and hundreds of thousands of students have taught us that playing music with others results in stronger proficiency compared to conventional music education. Working toward and experiencing live performance is the core of our curriculum. Our students grow as individuals by taking the stage with others. While our students work with bandmates, they learn broader life skills like collaboration, compromise and courage.


(703) 743-5277
Heritage Village


Compassionate Support

Cutting-edge programming, a Health & Wellness Navigation team for helping residents maintain a healthy lifestyle, and excellent staffing—that’s only the beginning at Heritage Village senior living in Gainesville, Virginia. Here, assisted living and memory care residents enjoy a relaxed ambiance with opportunities for engaging, exploring, and staying connected. Add a lovely setting with mountain views and you have a lifestyle that welcomes and restores.

Assisted Living

Whether you occasionally need some assistance with activities of daily living, or desire a more secure, maintenance-free lifestyle, assisted living at Heritage Village in Gainesville, Virginia, is an excellent choice. Here, freedom and independence are valued, and every resident can stay engaged with family, friends and the greater community through group activities and events.

Memory Care

We understand that with any dementia or illness that impacts memory, what remains is far more important than what is lost. At Heritage Village in Gainesville, Virginia, your loved one will experience newfound joy in participating in daily activities focused on his or her remaining abilities. A nurse is on-site at the community during the day and on call at night for added peace of mind. Common areas are warm and welcoming, encouraging our residents to visit and relax.  

Join us on August 16th from 4pm-8pm at 14170 Washington Street for our Annual Summer Concert! The theme will be announced a little later this year. 

As always, there will be great food, music, and fun so be sure to mark your calendar and look out for more details!

Have you ever wanted to improve something locally? Maybe you see the need for sidewalks, a dog park, or more visible signs to find businesses. Maybe you're driven to assist the homeless or just generally want to make a difference. Understanding how your local government operates can be key to making a positive impact. The Youth in Government Program was created to help local students develop mature citizenship and gain insight into how decisions are made at the town/city government level. 

Merrill A Bank of America Company

The MacNamara, Tran, Mason, Harting, Burnette & Krashin Group provides financial advice and financial planning for individuals, families and businesses alike. We are proud partners of Prince William Chamber, The Veteran’s Council and Haymarket & Gainesville Business Association. With offices in Haymarket, Gainesville and Tysons, we are readily available to help with financial needs.

The Town is accepting applications for the vacant seat on the Board of Zoning Appeals. This Board meets when there is an appeal from an applicant on a zoning determination from the Zoning Administrator. They also meet one to two times a year for training and administrative purposes. 

Mayor Luersen has called a Special meeting of the Haymarket Town Council for Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 6 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to give the Town Manager to file an appeal on behalf of the Town Council on an Architectural Review Board decision to deny the demolition permit application of the Town Park Building.

Golden Rule Builders


For more than 35+ years, Golden Rule Builders has been northern Virginia’s builder of choice for new home construction, kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, basement remodeling, home additions, and more. Throughout the years we have remained committed to offering our clients an unparalleled experience. We do this by implementing forward-thinking building practices, using top-grade materials, hiring quality people, and ensuring great communication with our clients.


Thrive MedSpa

Thrive Medical Spa & Wellness is a physician-led, full service medspa in Haymarket. We offer an array of services and cutting-edge technologies that help clients look and feel younger, healthier, and beautiful. Services include Injectables/Fillers, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Hair Removal and Restoration, Morpheus8 Microneedling, Facials, IV Therapy, Liposuction and Hormone Replacement Therapy coming soon! The highly trained team truly cares for their clients, helping them experience a younger-looking, revitalized appearance without surgery or downtime. Here at Thrive, we understand the importance of patients feeling good about themselves from the inside out.

The Market hours will be 9am to 1pm every Sunday until November 10, 2024. The Market is located at 15000 Washington Street, Haymarket, VA 20169. Enjoy LIVE MUSIC every Sunday! Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages to see who will be playing each Sunday!

The residents of Haymarket have reached out over the years to the Administrative Staff and the Town Council sharing their concerns with the lack of snow removal on the Washington Street Corridor. Following the citizen complaints, the Town Council decided to draft an Ordinance to better address the removal of snow and ice throughout the Town of Haymarket as well as for the Town to take full responsibility for the Washington Streetscape (Rt 55) sidewalks and the other Town owned sidewalks along Jefferson Street (Rte 625, N of Rt 55).

The Haymarket Chick Fil A located at 15186 Washington Street has applied for a Special Use Permit to expand their drive through area. The current drive through order and pickup area were approved by the Haymarket Town Council in December of 2015. Chick Fil A has requested to extend the second drive through lane (right most lane) out to the right, onto the current bank property and along the current row of landscaping. The drive through lane will then reconvene with the existing lane (left lane) at the exit/pedestrian crossing.

The Town Planner has drafted a text amendment to the Haymarket Zoning Ordinance for the Town Council's consideration. The draft zoning text amendment is an update in the language of the preliminary and final plat requirements for site plans, which would fulfill a Virginia DEQ requirement from the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act.


The Town Planner has drafted an amendment to the Town Comprhensive Plan for the Town Council's consideration. The draft amendment matched up the Plan's definition of a Historic Resource in Haymarket to the definition found in the current Zoning Ordinance.


66 Express - https://ride66express.com/

The 66 Express Outside the Beltway provides Northern Virginia commuters, businesses, and mass transit with a reliable option to move people, goods, and services throughout the I-66 corridor, allowing drivers to Sit Less, Live More.

66 Express

66 Express - https://ride66express.com/

The 66 Express Outside the Beltway provides Northern Virginia commuters, businesses, and mass transit with a reliable option to move people, goods, and services throughout the I-66 corridor, allowing drivers to Sit Less, Live More.

Caring Senior Service


Our services are designed with the utmost understanding of seniors' needs. Whether it's discovering in-home senior care, assisted living, memory care, respite care, or needing a healthy meal option, we are here to help ensure your peace of mind. Discover high-quality, compassionate care tailored to you and your loved ones needs.

Attention Haymarket, we are excited to announce that construction will begin on our Park Sidewalk this coming Monday, August 26. Construction will take place along the frontage of the park property, 14740 and 14710 Washington Street. Please use caution when visiting the park and driving through this area as there may be some minor traffic disruptions during the duration of the project. 

Attention Haymarket, we are excited to announce that construction will begin on our Park Sidewalk this coming Monday, August 26. Construction will take place along the frontage of the park property, 14740 and 14710 Washington Street. Please use caution when visiting the park and driving through this area as there may be some minor traffic disruptions during the duration of the project. During the construction of the sidewalk, we will have occasional closures of the playground to ensure the safety of our community.

The Polling Place for the Town Elections is held at Tyler Elementary School located at 14500 John Marshall Hwy, Haymarket. The hours are 6 am - 7 pm. On the ballot is 

TracyLynn Pater - Mayor


Justin Baker

Alexander Beyene

Matt Gallagher 

Ken Luersen

Joe Pasanello

Aaron Peck

Mary Ramirez

Voting is for the Mayor and 6 Council Members. 

The Haymarket Town Council has prepared a draft of the enclosed strategic plan for the upcoming 1–3-year period. This plan includes a new vision, mission statement, values, and goals to accomplish over the next three years.

The Town Council is looking to collaborate together to accomplish the goals and strategies outlined in this plan.

The strategic plan was developed by the Mayor and Town Council, Town Staff, Town Police Chief, and consultant Dr. Stephanie Davis.

How to get involved:

The intent is to establish operational standards for mobile food establishments as well as appropriate protections of public health, safety, and welfare for their operation on private property.

April 24, 2025
From 10:00 AM - 3:00PM

Are you ready to start planning for a better future? Join us at our Senior Resource Summit, hosted in partnership by The Haymarket Police, Caring Senior Service, and Park Valley Church.

The afternoon will include resources from more than forty trusted vendors. You will find companies and individuals that will provide information on downsizing, wills, estate planning, medical assistance, in-home care, senior living, and more to help individuals entering their mid-life and beyond.